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Research development and plan 

GF Farm Inc. has established a product and technology roadmaps for the systematic development of products and technologies. These roadmaps reflect the status of the field; and it has been changed to handle the changes in the market. In addition to that, we have established integrated roadmap to prevent overlapping investment and for the efficiency of R&D. we are strengthen the patent competitiveness with active investment and supporting. 

R&D development of human resource

There is always human in the process of idea, researching period, and realizing idea to become a product. Agro industrial Inc. keep trying to develop the fine human resources for ongoing growth of corporate, providing education for the officers and employees, and creating innovative culture to be able to realize their potential as well as to enhance the professionalism. 

Program for human resource development 

GF Farm Inc. supports employees’ education to build technical competencies, and establishes roadmap for development of human resource. On this roadmap, employees plan the self development plan. And chief of the team instructs their plans to be realized in action. 

It also allows employees to select a training time which makes it to be more effective of the education. We also offer training courses for researchers with basic skills to grow as an expert. Also we offer job Training Program for the researchers to be a specialist in their field. Job training specialist courses is deepened into the general courses, intensive courses, and expert courses after segmenting 150 courses out of 6 jobs. In addition to that, we support our employees to be an expert through hands-on skills. 

R&D for collaboration 

GF Farm  Inc. is carrying wide range of research with various stakeholders ranging from academia and the government. Improving the technological competitiveness by increasing collaboration with partners and R & D support, we concentrate on investment for developing the technologies.

National and international R & D center 
GF Farm Inc. has established R&D center in the nation and abroad to improve technologies for the future. Through this collaboration with experts for each country, we obtain the advice on the issues and understand the technology trend. And also we accept the suggestions and share new technology and method. We also actively participate by presenting a national technology roadmap for establishing and leading the development of rice processing and engineering skills. GF Farm inc. tries to contribute to the foundation for the future through collaborating with government-funded research institute, nation’s leading universities, and international institute to improve the competitiveness of the national rice processing industry.